The Sanctuary

Imagine a sanctuary space where you are encouraged to stroll in exactly as you are, where you can press pause on life’s daily stresses, realign and gift yourself the time to replenish and energize from soul to skin.


Welcome to Me Time.

In our busy world, we give so much of ourselves to our families, friends and careers, with little time to reflect on what brings us passion, joy, inspiration or time to “just be” with self.

Self-care is the practice of honoring oneself, coming home to your most authentic self and pressing pause on life so that you can take the time to fill your soul back up.

Me Time Sanctuary is a sacred space to shed worries, pain, doubts and fears about the past and future, and come back into the present. We are founded upon the idea that, when gives ourselves permission to slow down, we are better able to navigate the fullness of our lives. When we nurture our relationship with our inner most selves, magic happens, healing takes place and endless abundance is possible.

Everyone’s story and lifestyle is unique, and that’s why self-care may look different for everyone; a brief moment in your day where you choose to put yourself first, a retreat that resets your soul, gifting yourself something that serves no other purpose than making you feel wonderful. Self-care can be a movement that inspires you to escape your mind and connect you back to your inner most self, a bath that rejuvenates your body, pausing to truly listen to a beautiful song that awakens your senses. “Me Time” means giving yourself permission to honor and celebrate yourself, to find a moment (or a few) of joy and reflection in your life, no matter how brief.

When you visit Me Time, you can leave the weight of your world outside the door, because this is YOUR time. Celebrate your solitude by taking a class that calls to your curiosity or by choosing a skin care ritual that heals from the outside, in.  Honor and deepen your connections by finding a meaningful gift for someone you care about from the gift shop or by joining our supportive community.

We welcome you however you’re able to show up in our sacred space, and hope that you leave feeling more connected, centered and true to yourself so that you can move about your days joyfully, energized and empowered.

This is your time, and we are here to support you.


Ready to Relax?